turkey.jpgThere certainly seems to be a whole lot of shaking going on around the planet. Yesterday there was another 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Turkey. At least 51 people died and hundreds of people are homeless.

Haiti is still in ruins and Chili is slowly recovering. Last night I was sitting at my desk getting ready to write my blog post when we had an earthquake on Mauna Kea not far from my home. My computer monitor started shaking and we had a 4.5 magnitude earthquake. There was no damage but it is unsettling when the earth moves.

On the front page of our local newspaper there was an article about earthquakes. The earth is always moving someplace and there are hundreds of earthquakes every year. On average there are over 140 large quakes each year. In the comments on this blog I have noticed that a lot of people go to a place of fear when they think about events like these.

At any given moment we are either deepening our connection to our spirit or to our limiting beliefs, agreements, assumptions and attitudes. When we react with fear to events in life we certainly are not aligning our thoughts with our spirit. Most of us care about about the environment and wouldn’t dump garbage in the middle of our living space. We wouldn’t polute our home yet we have no problem focusing on fear and in a sense polluting the universe with our fear.

We are always either adding fear or love to the world. Which do you think is more likely to improve the quality of our lives and the world as a whole? I doubt fear will and know love does. If you ask the angels to help you see life through their eyes you will see a world full of love. Next time you find yourself feeling afraid ask for help seeing the event differently.

Instead of listening to your inner dialog about fear and thoughts about what a tragedy focus on love, feel the presence of the angels and open your mind and your heart to seeing it their way instead of your old, habitual way. This sure would be a very different place to live if more of us made the choice to do that on a regular basis.

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

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