Someday the more rabid elements within Christianity may come to respect the constitution,  individuals, spirituality, and the American people.  

Soldiers stationed in Virginia were punished for not attending a performance by the Christian rock group BarlowGirl  as part of the “Commanding General’s Spiritual Fitness Concerts.”  A new definition of the term “command performance.”

That this was nothing more than evangelism tarted up as entertainment was made explicit by the military bases’ own paper, the Fort Eustis Wheel, which informed the reader afterwards /that

Following the Apostle Paul’s message to the Ephesians in the Bible, Christian rock music’s edgy, all-girl band BarlowGirl brought the armor of God to the warriors and families of Fort Eustis during another installment of the Commanding General’s Spiritual Fitness Concert Series May 13 at Jacobs Theater.

This is the doings of the base’s commander, Maj. Gen. James E. Chambers, who apparently does not take either his oath to the constitution ior hoinesty with much seriousness.  Chris Rodda writes

Maj. Gen. Chambers was quoted as saying, “The idea is not to be a proponent for any one religion. It’s to have a mix of different performers with different religious backgrounds.” But there has been no “mix of different performers with different religious backgrounds” at these concerts. Every one of them has had evangelical Christian performers, who typically not only perform their music but give their Christian testimony and read from the Bible in between songs.

In other words, Chambers is a liar.  And little beyond that.  He needs to be made a civilian ASAP.
You can keep an eye on the subversion of our armed forces by crazy extremists through the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
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