Here we go again.

Lindsay Lohan, please go to therapy. You life is a mess and this latest move is not going to help you straighten things out. What is going on with this woman child? Is she too far gone that no one can speak sense to her? Maybe she doesn’t want to hear it. That is often true of people in active addiction.

Parent Trap was one of my family’s all time favorite movies. We still watch it and LiLo  is beyond adorable. I know that was years ago and only an acting role, but her move from child to adult star has been a disaster.

And now the big news is that she is featured in Jan/Feb’s issue of Playboy, including the cover, and apparently holds nothing back.  She will preview her pictorial on Ellen next week. I’m certain all of this will pay her legal bills and get her huge publicity. The circus has already begun as photos have “leaked out” on the Internet. Let the games begin…more tabloid of a wild child living the vida loca!

Lindsay’s strategy -when your life is a mess, pose nude. Darlin’, NO.

The path to healing does not include exploitation.  And don’t lecture me. I’ve heard the arguments. “She is deciding to do this so it is not exploitation, Since it is her choice, she is empowering herself, Women who choose to pose nude are taking control of their lives…” yada, yada, yada.

Reality check: Posing nude and having the population gawk at you, lust after you and think of you as a sex object is not empowering. This is the biggest lie ever. It is degrading. And someone who is not mentally well doesn’t make great decisions for her life.

I’m sad for this woman as her life is a train wreck and continues to run out of control. From her father’s prison scandals, her bulimia, possession of cocaine, jail time…all before the age of 21, it is too much to handle in the spotlight of celebrity life.

From  a therapy point of view, she has major impulse control, a turbulent family life, poor coping, drug addiction and more. This will not end well if she continues down this path. And that is my concern.

Please, please, get real help or you won’t be around for us to see your true beauty again.


Pray for Lindsay Lohan. She really needs a lifeline!

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