“People who are pro life are pro rape.” “People who are pro choice want to kill babies.”

I’m sickened by both political parties making outrages attacks and statements about people grappling with the abortion debate. Pro-life Republicans accused of hating women and pro-choice Democrats portrayed as baby killers. This is shameful. Inflammatory rhetoric does little to open a dialogue for meaningful conversation. Abortion is a moral issue and related to a person’s values. Yes, there is a legal aspect to abortion in terms of the role of government, but that conversation seems to be lost amongst all the mudslinging on both sides.

How do we ever have an honest debate when a Catholic is vilified for following her religious beliefs or an abortion doctor’s life is threatened because he is doing a legal procedure?

Most people feel passionate about their abortion beliefs. What you believe about abortion is deeply embedded in your morals and values. But we don’t make headway on the debate of this issue but trying to bully people into taking our position. And we Christians have an even higher calling, to love those who see the world differently and don’t hold a biblical world view.

I was so impressed by the Abbey Johnson story, UNPLANNED, not because she decided to become pro life, but because her decision to move from pro choice to pro life was motivated by her experience, her beliefs and people loving on her, praying for her and being in relationship with her. Love won the day.

People who support abortion and want the government to pay for it are not evil. Nor are the people who believe abortion is a moral or religious grievance and don’t want their tax dollars paying for it. The debate will never be solved by vilifying each other in political ads.

This political season, we have reached a new low in civil discourse. The lies, attacks, lack of decency are enough to make me say, “November 6, come quickly.” Let’s get the vote over with and stop the madness. Of course, the election won’t stop all the madness because there is now permission to attack people without knowing the facts and presenting things that aren’t true with no accountability. Emotions rule with no restraint.

The conversation about abortion can only begin with love and  following the directives of Christ to love your neighbor as yourself, pray for your enemies and do good to those who despitefully use you. Christians take your positions but do so in love.

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