stressed teensAs Dana was grabbing her purse to fly out the door, she couldn’t remember where she put her car keys. She was already late for class! “Mom, where are my keys.” “Your asking me,” Mom yells back. “I can’t find my glasses.”

Most of us who are older chalk these moments up to aging. We jokingly say we are having a senior moment.

But a national poll by Trending Machine found millennials (ages 18-34) to have those senior moments as well. You don’t have to be aging to be forgetful. In fact, 39% of Americans have forgotten or misplaced something in the past week.

What do we think is behind all this forgetting and misplacing?


All that multitasking and lack of sleep may be doing a number on the younger generation.

The poll also found that women are more likely to misplace an item or forget than men. And that there is more forgetfulness in the Northeast than the more relaxed country of the West.

So if your a young woman, living in the Northeast, with a lot on your plate, get out the sticky notes to remind yourself of your TO DO list!

Or maybe slow down a bit, take a deep breath, carefully place your car keys on a hook by the door and enjoy the moment!

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