Well, it seems the We Can’t Stop singer, can’t stop. She continues to pull out all the stops!

Her most recent antic was to smoke pot on stage during the MTV Europe Music Awards held in Amsterdam where marihuana use is legal. Miley thought it would be “fun” to smoke a joint on stage when she accepted her award.

The shock and awe continues. Although Lady Gaga already pulled this stunt in Amsterdam. Miley, you are not the first person to think of doing this.

And Miley is quick to tell us all that she could care less what we think. Really? I thought  the point is to get us all, like me right now, talking about her. She’s on a publicity high, wanting to keep her name and face in the public. And when talent can’t carry you to the top, shock and awe can keep you in the news.

Sad, so sad. I hate watching these young stars implode before our eyes. And they do it in such a cliche way– pushing the rebellion boundary with sex and drugs. There is nothing new about this. The sad part is that some end up dead or scarred for life.

And while she may not care about what we think, I care about her. Anyone can have sex and use drugs. In fact, you end up feeling used and abused with a possible addiction and sexually transmitted infection. When its all said and done, its empty.

The former church girl was made to crave a relationship with God that she is trying to fill in ways that cannot ultimately satisfy.

So while Miley may act like the world is her party right now, one day, the shock and awe will be gone. On that day, I pray someone is there to help her pick up the pieces.

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