This past week has been a very active one on this website, and I for one am impressed and inspired.  There have been quite a few comments posted, especially in response to my articles on Scales, Fasting, and the major study on diets.  So many, and of such thoughtfulness, it’s hard for me to pick just one to highlight this morning.  So I want to look at some themes, and share a few different comments, if that is OK with you.  We would all love to hear from you, too, so please post a comment and share this website with your friends!  An easy way to remember the address is   that will get you here right away, and always show the latest article.

There have been a lot of people writing that they just cannot lose weight, or get started.    Here are some comments that are representative of lots of people’s experiences:

Kathy wrote: “I have cut down on carbs and calories going on 4 months now, eating 3 meals a day. I walk for 30 to 50 minutes each day and running on an elliptical every other day. I do strength training everyday alternating upper and lower body routines. I started out weighing 145 lbs and now I’m up to 150 lbs. Why is my weight going up and not down?”

Diane said: “I really need help, please could someone help I;m over weight and been trying hard 2 lose weight I would lose a little then gain it back my craving is sweets I try 2 stop eating sweets but I always come back 2 it. please I need someone 2 help me.I’m 5’2 weighting 253lbs. I want 2 or should be 150 or 160lbs. keep me in prayer, I ask GOD 2 help me 2 control my eating habits. THANKS LOVE YOU.”

Ann spoke for a lot of people when she commented, “I can’t seem to get moving either. I keep praying for help as I just can’t figure out the right combination of exercise and diet. I am so sick of these diet pills and fads. They should be banned.”

I truly understand the diet dilemma having been on so many of them in my life.  I found that when my focus was only on losing weight, a drastic deprivation diet would get a lot of pounds off me, but they always, always came back.

What worked for me, and works for most of my clients is to focus on:

  • getting proper medical care, and making sure to get a complete check up to make sure the excess weight is not about a medical problem.

  • a new lifestyle that includes learning about and eating a balanced, structured food plan that does not end.  Not a “lose weight” diet, but a different mindset of being aware of food, eating moderately, and always in balance with mostly fruits and vegetables, limited grains, and just a little of meats and dairy.  This is what I wrote about in my book, “The Joy of Weight Loss.”

  • becoming aware of emotional and spiritual needs, getting these needs met on a daily basis through taking, sharing, expressing, acting, prayer, meditation, and in fellowship with other people.

  • making sure to get a lot of joy and a lot of love all day and night, all the time.

Here are a few comments from people who are able to lose weight and maintain.  They, too, are showing patterns – see if you can spot them:

Laura G. talks about using the scales to be “mindful” and adjust her activities, “I lost 30 pounds two years ago and it’s still off. I weigh myself twice a week, first thing in the morning on Friday and Monday. I wear scrubs to work, with elastic or a tie waist in the pants; you can gain or lose and not notice. It’s easier for me to control my eating and exercise during the week, so I weigh myself Friday morning and then again on Monday morning. Then I know how much, if any damage I did over the weekend.”

Melanie wrote, “I have lost close to 100 pounds and kept a majority of it off for many years and I did that by watching my calories. Obviously counting calories isn’t fun, but if you are trying to lose weight, you really do need to be aware of what you are consuming. These days you can get calorie information for just about anything by going online or to a bookstore… The best way to lose weight and not have to worry about even calories is to consume mostly vegetables with some fruit too… Trying to follow low-carb diets leave you eating very unhealthy foods and low-fat gets tricky too. Low calorie diets are the best way to go and I wish more people knew that.”

Finally, what “No Name” said really makes great sense (I don’t know if this person wishes to be anonymous or if it’s the comment system not working as someone alerted us, and our technicians are working on it):

” …I had been on a battle with my weight for some years and then I handed my life over to God. I have learned to love myself and respect food as well as myself. In the last year I have lost 75 lbs. and I am still working to get off another 30. I exercise when I can, eat the right proportions, I rarely eat, eat, but I do eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies. I am a type 2 diabetic so I follow the diabetic diet that my nutritionist set out for me. I also award myself by getting a message once or twice a month and getting my nails done twice a month. I have other conditions that are helped by my losing weight. RE: fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, chronic fatigue, and chronic pain.”

He or she said it all, and I’m sure by the grace of God their weight will no longer be a problem, as long as they enjoy their wonderful life as they are doing.

Did you see any patterns?  Please share them below.  Please post your experiences and thoughts!  We read everything, and are with you!

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