Human beings were slaves to chance and fate until Newton’s theory of absolute physics came into being. Scientists were freely able to manipulate our surroundings and situations by simply applying physical laws. But the opportunity of independence from the material world did not come for the mass population. Materialist supremacy reasserted itself making human beings dependent on the very physical matter they now could control. Matter was necessary and wanted, otherwise physical rules could not be applied. Society resembled a state of servitude barely better than slavery.

Determined to act on a meaningful freedom, collaborating physicists incorporated consciousness into the equation and 3 hundred years later modern science was solidified. Albert Einstein declared the world of relativity in which the observer became part of the observed. Einstein put forth his theory of relativity because matter proved itself unstable.

Freedom was no longer relegated only to the experts who knew how to apply the rules of physics, but could be experienced via consciousness to the masses.

Ironically, the essence of modern science, positioning itself on consciousness, has been compared to the teachings of ancient Eastern philosophies, such as the Chinese Tao Te Ching or divine Science as promulgated by American religious leader, Mary Baker Eddy, who wrote the book, Science and Health.

Verse 1 of Tao Te Ching reads, “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.”

From 21st Century Science and Health, “The relativity of matter, the complex human body, and the turbulent earth are fleeting concepts of humans, trained to believe life is mortal. Fleeting concepts have their day before the permanent facts and their completeness in Spirit appear.

“Albert Einstein recognized, and made public, the General Theory of Relativity. Time, space, and mass are relative, or in other words not absolute. Now that time, space, and mass are better identified, they are more correctly studied.

“Sputnik and NASA changed the world view when launching into outer space. Setbacks happened, but courage set the precedence. Consequently, the philosophies based on what physical senses say have become extinct. The physical law of gravity can’t define us. Space exploration, thought expansion, bravery, and open-mindedness, continues.”

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