Take a stand in your life and assume a position of strength and love in every encounter.

When you assume a position in your heart standing for the truth, no matter how terrifying, it enables all parties involved in the encounter and drama to be free.  In the light of this kind of truth you bare witness to the magnificence of possibility that is unhinged of the past opening up the world to untold possibility where we are celebrating the power that lives within each of us to rise up.  It is time to take a stand for the person who needs it most.  Yourself.  Demand a little more of yourself today than yesterday.  Remember who you are.  Where you’ve been good you are going to need to be great and where you’ve been unconscious you are going to wake up and take a stand for magnificence.  A rising tide raises all ships is not just a metaphor, it is a deep psychological pattern.

The one thing you can be sure of… the person standing in front of you, driving next to you, working down the hall has experienced, or is experiencing as much trauma as you. Be kind. Be a light so others, our children, our neighbors, our communities, here and across the globe, can rise and shine. Everyday. Fully nourished and safe from suffering.

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors and remembers.” John F. Kennedy had it right in his speech celebrating Robert Frost and the arts.

Let’s be remembered for our ability to change with grace to transform our present turmoils into peace on earth.  Let’s get really clear, in remaining passive and asleep in our own lives affects the planet.   We have challenges, for sure, things are breaking apart and falling away… However, it is not a que to give up, when Winston Churchill on the day of the French capitulation said “Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the human race lasts for a 1000 years, let them say … “This was their finest hour” he offered a space above the doubt, beyond the uncertainty and bleakness of circumstance to rise into.

Take a stand today and address what needs addressing, celebrate moments of magnificence, individuals of purpose, and every expression of love that you see, encouraging more of that kind of behavior. Uplifting every moment that follows. Leading us into a new era.

May you find the voice of truth in every circumstance allowing you to take a stand for love.

Lots of Love,



Day Ten of 100 days of Mel’s 100 days of Love and Inspiration.

Melanie Lutz is a screenwriter, author, and poet. For more from Melanie, visit her Flight of the Soul blog on Beliefnet.

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