DiceHill.jpgA funny (not ha-ha funny) thing happened this weekend–our gorgeous apple-green kitchen countertop slab got dropped at the workshop, and it broke.  So now, the kitchen that we were hoping to be able to move into and use within the next 2 weeks will not be finished until late September or early October.

Instead of going to pieces (no pun intended) over this delay and all of the related inconveniences that go with it (like 6 more weeks of having to schlep to the basement to get something out of the refrigerator), Rob and I have decided to practice the art of rolling with the punches, not trying to change that which we can’t control, and generally keeping our wits about us, even when things don’t go our way. 

Here are 4 strategies we’re employing:

1.  Laugh – Ok, so maybe it is a little “ha-ha” funny to think of the stunned faces and slow motion “Noooooo!”-ing that must have happened when this giant piece of green quartz slipped from the forklift.  Even if you’re laughing to keep from crying, if you can find something to snicker at, a setback won’t feel quite as bad.

2.  Use It – The good thing about having a delay in a multi-faceted project is that you can fill up the time gap with other tasks.  So as I type this, lights are being installed, cabinet doors put on, and electrical outlets are getting juiced.  Saying, “Ok, so we can’t do X, what are the various Ys we can do?” is a good exercise when any frustrating road block presents itself. 

3.  Distract Yourself – A friend recently told me that the best way to turn down the volume on something upsetting is to turn up the volume on something positive, exciting, inspiring, or fun.  So we are planning a blueberry-picking outing this weekend.  Just for fun.

4.  Find Your Gratitude – Seriously, this could be so much worse.  Someone could have gotten hurt when the stone fell (they didn’t).  It could be the dead of winter when outdoor grilling would be impossible, leaving us unable to escape the take-out trap (it’s not).  We could be dealing with a contractor who said, “Oh, well, sorry about that, see you in 2 months” (we’re not).  There are glimmers of things to be grateful for even within the headache of our immediate situation.

Help me build this list!  How do you stay flexible when the best laid plans get dropped or lost or broken or ignored?  

(image via: http://www.bobulous.org.uk/imho/BlenderFortnight.html)

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