BoilingWater.jpgSwine flu prevention is about two things, really–smart practices that don’t put flu germs and your mucous membranes in the same place at the same time, and keeping your immune system strong enough to fight off any bugs that might sneak in the door. 

For the former, why not visit our gallery of 10 swine flu prevention tips?  Even if you think you’re the captain of Team Prevention, it’s worth checking in with what the experts recommend to keep you well.

For the latter problem–fighting off the flu, or even a cold, at its first signs–I just ran across two natural techniques from the doctors at  They both involve warmth, hydration, and highly potent and detoxifying foods and supplements.  Worth a try, no?  Please feel free to add your home flu remedies to these two goodies:

Scallion and Ginger Tonic (a full-body detoxifier as well as immune system booster)

Combine 1 bunch of chopped scallions, 6 coin size
slivers of fresh ginger, Shoyu (quality soy sauce) and 4 cups of water in a
sauce pan and bring to boil.

Lower to a simmer and reduce by half so you are left
with two cups.

Drink both cups while hot.

Soak in a very warm bath.

Get out and wear sweatshirt and sweat-pants to


Hot Water Bath (helpful to knock out both colds and flu)

Take 1000 milligrams of Vitamin C with 8 ounces of

Fill a tub with very hot water, as hot as your feet and
legs can stand, and sit on edge of tub with feet and legs in water.

Wrap a blanket around you until you sweat.

Add more hot water as it begins to cool, and sit at
least 20-30 minutes.

Of course, if you have any health condition you think would make this potentially unsafe for you, please consult your doctor before you try it.  And fingers crossed that your prevention regimen will keep you from having to deal with any actual colds or flu this season!

For more on swine flu and cold season:

Has Swine Flu Changed Your Habits?

The H1N1 Vaccine: Yes or No?

Sleep More, Catch a Cold Less?

Swine Flu: How Sick Are You?

Natural Remedies for the Common Cold

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