parsley.jpgMother Jones has assembled some highlights from the anti-Muslim screeds of Rev. Rod Parsley, who’s been tagged as John McCain’s answer to Jeremiah Wright. McCain’s defenders respond that Parsley, who has campaigned with McCain and whom McCain praised as “one of the truly great leaders in America,” is not nearly as close to the Arizona senator as Wright is (was?) to Obama.As God-o-Meter read and watched the excerpts from Parsley’s sermons, it couldn’t help but think: there’s got to be a good number of Republican voters, particularly in the party’s conservative religious base, who agree with him. Judge for yourself. Video reel produced by Mother Jones and Brave New Films, article (below) by Mother Jones’s David Corn:

According to Parsley, there’s no coexisitng with Muslims. He tells the tale of a Christian man who once dared to sell land to a mosque rather than to a church—an ominous sign that Christianity is losing the struggle against Islam. “You need to understand today” who was responsible for 9/11, Parsley nearly shouts. “Muslim Islamic fundamentalists and extremists are what did that, and your government and politicians and preachers want you to snuggle up next door to them and allow them to build a mosque next door to your church, while you sing hallelujah.”The preacher paints a dark picture:Islam is growing rapidly and is becoming more violent. America has historically understood herself to be a bastion against Islam in the world…History is crashing in upon us…Americans need to wake up…We can tell you…Britney Spears’ lyrics to her latest CD. But we don’t know anything about other religions…’We ought to just all get along’…’We shouldn’t say anything about other faiths.’ Excuse me. Excuse me. The fact is that Americans are woefully ignorant of other faiths. This is not only tragic. But when it comes to Islam, now the greatest religious enemy of our civilization and the world, it’s dangerous.The problem, Parsley insists, is not radical Muslims who have hijacked a faith, but the religion itself:I must state three important truths…No. 1, the God of Christianity and the God of Islam are two separate beings…Mr. Bush, I support you. You need to stop saying that the God of Islam and the God of Christianity are the same God…No. 2, Muhammad received revelations from demon spirits, not from the living God. No. 3, Islam is an anti-Christ religion that intends, through violence, to conquer the world. Did you get those three truths?In a long riff, Parsley maintains that Muhammad was tricked by a demon into believing that he had heard the word of God. Thus, he asserts, the entire religion of Islam is based upon a satanic deception: “Muhammad was tragically beset by a demon which he mistook for the living God. He thus became a mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil…There are so few who will talk about [this].”


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