Today’s Cooking with Christian Music recipe comes from worship artist Kari Jobe. It’s for her favorite dish to cook, steamed artichokes.
Kari says she also loved having these for her home cooked birthday dinner as a child.
Kari is the daughter of traveling ministers. She began singing when she was only 3 and knew by age 10 that she wanted to lead worship. She spent time studying at Oral Roberts University, Christ For The Nations Institute and Dallas Baptist University, where she finished her Psychology/Pastoral Ministries degree before joining the staff at her home church of Gateway Church in the Dallas, Texas.
While you’re eating your steamed artichokes, check out this great video for her song, I’m Singing, where YouTube fans shared clips of themselves singing the song, which were then compiled into this video.

Kari Jobe’s Favorite Steamed Artichokes
Wash artichokes under cold running water. Cut off stems at base and remove small bottom leaves. Trim the sharp point off each leaf with scissors.
Stand artichokes upright in deep saucepan large enough to hold them snugly.
Add 1 teaspoon salt, 1 can chicken broth, and two to three inches of water, until artichokes are ½ covered with liquid. (Lemon slices may be added, if desired.)
Cover and boil gently 35 to 45 minutes, or until base can be pierced easily with fork, or leaves come easily when pulled.
Turn artichokes upside down to drain.
Prepare one artichoke per person. Serve warm with lemon butter or with dipping sauce of choice.
Discard used petals and artichoke in garbage. Enjoy!
Recipe for Lemon Butter: Melt 1 stick of butter, add juice from one fresh lemon and a dash of salt.
You can learn more about Kari Jobe on her website.
For more recipes from Christian music artists, visit our other Cooking With Christian Music features.
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