Happiness...How To Be Happier No Matter What

Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher. Oprah Winfrey Surrounding yourself with uplifting people is essential to your happiness. Of course, it sounds like a no-brainer but it’s not always easy. Everyone gets comfortable in relationships and some of which aren’t adding to your happiness quotient. My point is that…

I am not what happened to me I am what I choose to become Carl Jung Happier people think differently. They tend not to stay stuck in their past, fast-forward to their future constantly and beat themselves up for mistakes. Of course, there is no one on the planet that doesn’t make mistakes, experience pain,…

 We have all been placed on this earth to discover our own path, and we will never be happy if we live someone else’s idea of life. – James Van Praagh Happiness means being who you really are. It means that despite all the outer pressures from society, parents, friends and others to be a…

Happiness means having courage. You need to have the wherewithal to let go of the past, and create again. Life isn’t for wimps. It takes inner strength to overcome obstacles and move forward when life feels overwhelming. But what I know for sure is that no matter what circumstances or situation you are facing (health…

Happiness is looking ahead. I believe there is a reason why our front windshield of our cars is bigger than our rearview mirror. We are supposed to look in front of us. By looking forward to our best lives and coaxing it into existence we feel happier. We get to learn from our past but…

Happiness is an inside job. This is no big surprise. But learning how to keep looking inside for happiness takes practice. I believe it’s human nature to keep looking outside of ourselves to feel validated, approved of and even happier until we have the “ah-ha” that no one can give us happiness. Sometimes we come…

Becoming happier everyday takes practice!  It is a skill than anyone of us can learn. It isn’t a gift from great parents or given to only the lucky ones. Happiness actually is something you create within you by thinking and living in a certain way. In other words, you can learn how to become happier…

Happiness starts with self-love. I have found the more we love ourselves, and truly embrace ourselves as the perfect, whole and creative beings we are – others will return that love. It was an “Ah-ha” moment for me when I realized that everyone in my life is merely a mirror of my consciousness. They can…

Brightening your space brings happiness. I am amazed at how “little” things like fresh photos, handpicked flowers, special incense and a good cleaning can energetically clear old, stuck (and often negative) energies. So in my everyday path of nurturing a deeper sense of peace and ultimately, happiness into my life – I have found that…

Happiness means learning how to let-go. It may be letting go of a relationship that didn’t work, or career that isn’t panning out. Sometimes we find ourselves hanging on for dear life and when the truth is that it is only in the miracle of letting-go that things can change. I speak from experience. I…

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