Your beliefs and thoughts must be aligned to manifest.
You must see yourself having it and be worthy to have it.
You have to be congruent.

Your belief systems create your values. 
All decisions stem from your values and beliefs.
This is your core truth and your foundation.

You develop strong feelings, a vivid imagination and make supportive decisions for thoughts that resonate and are in sync with your core belief systems and values.  Then you will take the appropriate actions to achieve the results and outcomes that you want.  You will also attract all types of resources to support your creation.

It is this combination of powerful beliefs/thoughts with your feelings and emotions that creates a burning desire inside of you.  This energy is so powerful that you will do whatever it takes to succeed and attract the people, resources and situations to make it real in the physical universe. 

People who succeed have very different beliefs than people who fail.  Your beliefs about who and what you are and what you are capable of greatly impact your thoughts, words, self-image, actions and results in life.  Beliefs either empower you or destroy you.  When you congruently believe something it commands your brain to represent what is happening in a certain way.

“One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interest.”   

                                                John Stuart Mill

To achieve excellence and success in any area, it requires positive, powerful and congruent beliefs that send commands directly to your brain and nervous system.  When you believe something it actually puts you into a state or reality of it being true. 

Focus your attention consistently on the good that you want to create and use your imagination, see yourself having what you want, achieving your goals, saying what you would be saying to yourself in that exact situation and live from that reality and place.

Use all of your creative tools…your beliefs/thoughts, feelings and create that burning desire.  Then you must TAKE ACTION and continue to take the appropriate actions to create your desired outcome.  Channel all of your beliefs, thoughts, words, energy, imagination, feelings – your burning desire – your heart, passion and enthusiasm into your reality.  You are an unlimited, all powerful creator.

Make sure that you harness the power of all of your creativity into focused, specific actions in alignment with your outcome and continue moving forward with your actions… step at a time.  Do whatever you can where you are with what you have.

Your emotions are extremely powerful and greatly affect your decisions, choices, actions and even your beliefs.  Your behavior is highly influenced by your emotions, so make sure that you harness your feelings and emotions for your good and the good of others.  With the challenges facing you in your day to day life and our world economy and environment, use whatever is happening around you for your benefit.  Do not allow yourself to be manipulated or programmed by what other people, companies, organization or governments want. 

Be clear on your truth, what is best for you and your family and take appropriate, successful action.

Go Total!

The MEGA Coach



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