Well she is according to a major USA Today story anticipating the midnight madness about to befall us this evening when “Breaking Dawn,” Book 4 of the “Twilight Series” releases.
And apparently, Stephenie Meyer is the world’s newest celebrity author (again with the comparisons to J.K. Rowling!).
In the article “‘Twilight’ author Stephenie Meyer unfazed as fame dawns,” Carol Memmott of USA Today reports:
“Stephenie Meyer is the most famous writer you’ve never heard of. But not for long. Meyer’s growing popularity is like a flashing billboard on our pop culture landscape. The 34-year-old creator of the Twilight teen vampire series is so sizzling hot, it’s not a stretch to suggest she’s heir apparent to J.K. Rowling, who gave the world Harry Potter…”There will never be another J.K. Rowling. That’s a lot of pressure on me, isn’t it?” says Meyer, curled up on a leather sofa in her comfortable and airy adobe-style home in this sun-scorched desert community north of Phoenix. “I’m just happy being Stephenie Meyer. That’s cool enough for me.””
She’s so modest! How can you not love her? And to catch you up if (GASP) you have no idea what the fuss is about, Memmott sums up the story in 50 words or less:

“It starts with an otherworldly love triangle: human teenager Bella Swan, her hunky vampire boyfriend Edward Cullen and Jacob Black, the irascible werewolf who also loves her. Fans are waiting to find out who Bella chooses, and if her choice means that she, too, will become a vampire.”
My vote: Bella
A) Chooses Edward (of course!) and
B) Becomes a Vampire!
We’ll know soon enough. For now, the world (or at least those in my world) awaits the answer.

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