Yesterday I wrote about the amazing Cheryl Harvey Hill. A proud military woman married to a military man who she loves and cherishes, and vice versa, Cheryl has overcome obstacles that most people wouldn’t even try to take on. Here’s the rest of what she had to say:

How did you feel when you were released from hospice care? Frightened but empowered. It had been a difficult six months; especially during the first few months when I was so weak and couldn’t walk or do anything. So when hospice decided to cut me loose, well, I was thrilled. I felt like I had won the battle. I knew the war wasn’t over but I had won a major battle and I was optimistic. I still am.

What’s your response to doctors who give you dire news about your health? I don’t think doctors should ever give you dire news about your health. I have now been misdiagnosed three times in my life. Three times I have been told that I was going to die and I did not. Even after being on life support for twelve days this last time, I don’t think the doctors should have told my husband that there was no hope for my recovery. I am a born optimist. I really do see the ol’ cup as half full but what about those folks who don’t have my faith or aren’t as optimistic? When I was diagnosed with cancer the first time, in 1968, I was in hospice care then too and two people who were there with me, whose cancer was NOT as far progressed as mine, died shortly after their diagnosis. I think they died because they lost hope. No one should ever take away your hope or desire to live. Only God knows when it is your time to go home.

What’s your response to people who say that you won’t be able to accomplish something? Oh, this is easy. You want to see me accomplish something? Just tell me I can’t do it and then step back and watch me prove you wrong. All you need to say to get me motivated is to tell me I can’t do something.

How do you garner the strength to fight what might seem like a losing battle and face challenges? It isn’t all that difficult, really. It’s all about choice. You can choose to be a winner or a loser. You can choose to be happy or sad. I choose to win and I welcome a challenge because it keeps me on my toes. I also have my husband, my family and my friends to keep me inspired to fight; if not for myself sometimes, for them. ?? What do you do or tell yourself in those dark hours or when discomfort or pain becomes almost too much to bear? I pray for strength and ask for reassurance. I concentrate on my blessings and make lists of things I’m grateful for. I also had a friend tell me once that when God made heaven and earth that each day was nearly a thousand years as we know them and that means our entire life on earth is but a mere few seconds in God’s time so I tell myself that I can endure anything for a few seconds.

What’s your best advice for someone who’s scared to move out of their current way of life and try something new? I’m not sure why we fear change so much, but it is a fact that we do. It’s the “old shoes are the most comfortable shoes” theory, I guess, and even though the old shoes may be bad for your feet, we just don’t want to give them up. Humans are a quirky bunch but I can tell you from experience that there is nothing more gratifying then success; regardless of whether it is a big success or a little success. We love to succeed and to do that, change is a critical element. It is exciting to step outside your comfort zone. Try it. I promise you will like it.

Do you think almost anything is possible? I can clearly hear my mother’s words, for as far back as I can recall, echoing in my head, “Cheryl Ann, just remember these very important things; nothing worth having comes easily, the ONLY limitations in life will be within your own mind, and failure should never be an option… oh yes, and when God closes a door, He really does open a window… perhaps not the one you want opened, or as quickly as you would like, but in His time, His window, which will be the right time and the right window.” I think she began sending those words to me as a subliminal message while I was still in her womb because I hit the ground running and never look back.

Please try to follow Cheryl Harvey Hill’s inspiration. She’s had many obstacles but continues to remember that as her mother said, limitations are only in your head. I’m proud to call Cheryl a friend and hope she continues to defy her illness for MANY years.

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