This is post 174 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

My Law of Attraction in Action Series is 3 years old! It’s hard to believe there’s so much that can be said about it. I try to get into details so you can use it most effectively. Yet many people who use it don’t quite understand how it all works. How does energy make it all happen?

I found this video with Deepak Chopra explaining the actual simplicity of manifesting with the Law of Attraction and how our intentions work with energy. Once you understand the lessons he gives, you can use my other posts in the series to tweak how you allow the Law of Attraction to work with you as effectively as possible.


See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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