fistWhen I did a fire walk years ago, we were instructed beforehand to create a gesture to do right after coming off the hot coals. The leader advised finding something that would feel powerful and do it as soon as we finished the walk. The purpose wasn’t to celebrate the walk. It was to have a gesture to use in the future as a reminder that we conquered our fears to do the fire walk. And it was scary. We watched the coals heat up, knowing that we’d be walking across them with bare feet.

As I stood in front of the hot coals, I considered not doing the walk. But all evening we were prepared for it so I was determined and took the first step. I did the breathing and repeating affirmations and got to the other side without getting burned. As I jumped off the coals, I used my power gesture—a fist with a thumb’s up. Then I wrote on a paper, “I walked on fire. I can do anything I choose to do.” It was an empowering moment.

Sometimes when I’m feeling scared or doubtful about doing something, I make a fist and let my thumb go up and hold it like that for a minute. Sometimes I put my fist in the air (if I’m alone). Or I do it by my side. But it always reminds me that I can do whatever I choose. You  don’t need to do a fire walk in order to create your own gesture. You just have to believe—or want to believe that anything is possible for you.

Create a gesture you can do to yourself that means something to you. When you’re feeling powerful or in a good mood, think about a hand signal you can make that symbolizes this good mood. A thumb’s up, hand over your heart, fist in the air or anything else that feels good. Use it when something good happens or after an accomplishment. Then get into the habit of using it to help empower you at times when you ‘re struggling to do something or you need some courage.

You CAN do anything you choose, as long as YOU believe. Practice using your power gesture to help you believe!

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