Check out this awesome graphic composed by I.D. Project’s  very own Juan Carlos Castro:


So, turns out – according to U.S. Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, that Swine Flu is less severe than feared.

Oh well. I’m quite happy we won’t have over 3% of the human race dying like we did in 1918 (at least not this season). And Joe Biden’s family can ride the subway again. But the part of me that likes to get amped up on daily media doses of hope and fear is a bit let down right now. Maybe it plays into my secret apocalyptic fantasy to fancy myself important enough to live at the end of days. And we never got to the bottom of how the flu got started in the first place.

One good thing, at least everyone will stop ostracizing Mexican people. Oh wait, that’s probably not going to happen.

The above graphic refers to a Buddhist teaching (one of my favorites), usually called the Eight Worldly Dharmas. I can’t tell you how bad I think that translation blows. I would say the best translation would be “The Eight Traps of Hope and Fear.” Kind of sums it all up doesn’t it? Where does the swine flu fit in this framework? What’s your favorite trap?

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