Many people tell me that they have difficulty getting up and getting going. They really ‘want to’ wake up in the best possible way; spring out of bed all happy and ready to go! (Woo hoo! Yea Day!) They tell me that they are trying! (Ought oh … you all know my view on trying: As Yoda from Star Wars so aptly put it, “Do or do not… there is no try.”)
Our Lady of Weight Loss sends this very special HOW TO WAKE UP message to you. She got me up and out of bed at 5 a.m. this morning to write it out for y’all. So PLEASE, read it and take it in on the deepest possible level.
OLofWL says, “You cannot WAKE UP! unless you get the right amount of rest. Sleep, baby, sleep!” WOW! WAKING UP starts with SLEEP.

Evening steps.
1. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.
2. Set your internal as well as external alarm for a reasonable wake up time.
3. Do NOT fall asleep while the television is on. (It is not helpful to add television talk to your dreams or thoughts.)
4. Before you drift off into your restful and beautiful sleep state, set your intention for your sleep and waking states. For instance, “Tonight I will sleep restfully. My dreams will be filled with beautiful imagery that will inspire me. I will remember my dreams. I will wake up well-rested, with a smile on my face and ready to go!
Morning steps.
1. Remember, you are 25 times more open to suggestion as you wake. Pay attention to what thoughts first surface, and if these first thoughts are not helpful, simply turn them around. Repeat your positive thought(s) a few times. Hold on to those good feelings for a moment or two.
2. See the thought. Imagine carrying this thought with you throughout your day.
3. Now, as you leave the bed … Set a morning ritual. Perhaps a morning stretch, or the sun salutation, or listening to uplifting music or writing in your journal. (For me, always with a cup of coffee. I’m only human. Especially at 5 a.m.)

4. Then take a look at your calendar. It is filled with opportunity and possibility; explore what’s possible. One moment of gratitude, please.
5. One more positive thought. An affirmation if you will. “Today is a great day, filled with opportunity and joy (come rain or come shine)!”
Questions for you to ponder as you create your morning ritual and your day!
What is the BEST way for YOU to WAKE UP?
What can YOU do to FEEL GREAT in the morning? What else can YOU do? (Stretch your mind as well as your body.)
What morning ritual will you create?
What is it that YOU want to have happen? What will that give YOU? (Joy? Excitement? Self-confidence?)
What is YOUR intention for today?
As for me, I’ve already started my day. 5 a.m. thanks to OLofWL! And my intention is to make positive and useful contact with y’all. Nothing makes my heart sing more! For sure!
Please leave a comment. Let’s WAKE UP together!
Deliciously yours,
For more positive fun … INTEND to WIN ME. Check out the FORGIVENESS GIVEAWAY and WIN ME! As of early this morning there were 98 incredible entries. Please enter. OLofWL is hoping to reach 150 entries. Or more! Thanks!!!
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