This morning’s hot topic (literally and figuratively)…

Alaska’s Mt. Redoubt volcano erupted late Monday and early Tuesday in “four large explosions,” sending an ash plume an estimated 50,000 feet into the air, the Alaska Volcano Observatory reported.”

… brought to mind our inner volcanoes. You know, that piece of us that gets overly reactive when set off; that piece that spews anger and loses control!
Before you blow a fuse, spew hot lava from your inner-volcano, try on these
“Tips to Tame Mount Redoubt”
Tip #1: NOTICE: Be aware of what is triggering your anger and rather than going straight to spewing, put your feelings into words so that you can ‘act’ rather than ‘react.’
Tip #2: STOP: Give yourself at least one minute to ‘neutralize.’ Take in a few deep cleansing breaths. Ahhhhh.
Tip #3: THINK: Consider at least three potential solutions to the problem; and then consider their outcomes.
Tip #4: CHOOSE: Now that you have ‘noticed’ what is going on; stopped to give yourself a moment to ‘neutralize,’ and ‘thought’ threw a few options; Choose a course of action!
Tip #5: WALK AWAY: Remember that walking way from a conflict is always an option. Saying nothing; doing nothing is sometimes the more powerful approach – the smartest path to take.

Tip #6: SEEK HELP: If you find that you are frequently in ‘volcano’ mode, perhaps you might consider reaching out to a profession that can help you work it through in an appropriate way and setting!
Tip #7: DO NOT STUFF IT: Food is NOT the answer. Stuffing down your feelings will not help. Write it out (as mentioned above). Talk it out (with a counselor or a trusted friend). Scribble it out, doodle it out, sing it out, let it out!!!
Spread the word … NOT the icing!

Happy Links: Ten Ways to Make Your Day a Good One
How to Make an Affirmation Container
Improve Your Luck
Janice Taylor is a Life & Wellness Coach, specializing in weight loss, reinvention, transformation & happiness, author, seminar leader and 50-pound-BIG-Time-LOSER! Write Janice for an Introductory Coaching Session.
For more motivation and inspiration, join the Kick in the Tush Club: Beliefnet Chapter.
Pick up a copy of Janice’s latest: All Is Forgiven, Move ON ~ Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltesville!
“Janice Taylor is a certain kind of kooky genius ~ see if her idiosyncratic diet plan will work for you.” ~ O, The Oprah Magazine
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