Happy Weight Loss

Confess your dietary transgressions and weighty sins.  Receive forgiveness from Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal.  You’ll feel ‘lighter’ for it!!!

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~

Forgiven me, for I have sinned.

I often wake up in the middle of the night – between 2 and 3 am and stay up for hours (returning to bed close to 5 am)!  The first thing I do is head straight to the fridge and stuff myself silly.  I eat… and eat and yes – eat!  (That’s not the confession.)

My ‘dirty weighty confession’ is this:  Because ‘yesterday’ is over and ‘today’ hasn’t arrived yet – not really, ‘cause it’s still dark out – and because figuring out how to log my mid-night eating into my food diary is just too complicated (especially in the middle of the night), I have declared 2 am to 4:59 am a time of no consequence. A time beyond time and space!  A calorie free, carb-free, guilt-free, eat whatever you like zone!

While it is very clever on my part to create a loophole of this magnitude, ultimately, it is not helping me to unearth and unleash my inner-thinner self.

I seek forgiveness in hopes that once forgiven, I can find another way to be clever that is actually in alignment with my goals.

~ Mid-Night Eatery

Dear Mid-Night Eatery,

All is Forgiven, Move On!!! 

Our Lady of Weight Loss

Feel free to confess your sins below, or write Our Lady of Weight Loss and she will personally forgive you!
janice [at] ourladyofweightloss [dot] com  …

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