The Army may rescind a speaking invitation to evangelist Franklin Graham after Muslim members who have not forgiven him for his description of Islam as evil, complained to the Pentagon. Graham, the son of Billy Graham, was to appear at the Pentagon on May 6 for the National Day of Prayer. Gary Tallman, an Army spokesman said that Graham’s “presence at the event may be taken by some as inappropriate for a government agency.”

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation raised objection, citing Graham’s past criticism of Islam. Organizers of the National Day of Pray have defended Graham saying that U.S. leaders have called for a day of prayer during times of crisis since 1775. They believe that Christians have a right to pray at the Pentagon.

Let’s pray for Franklin Graham and the National Day of Prayer…

“God, we pray for the right to pray. We pray for the preservation of our National Day of Prayer. We pray for Franklin Graham and for all those organizing this event. God we need you and we need prayer. We seek your grace and courage and power to continue a life of pray. It is in prayer that we recognize our need for your goodness, favor, correction, guidance and healing. We admit that we are a proud people and that we often attempt to walk under our own strength. The National Day of Prayer is our public acknowledgement of our deepest need. We need you and we need your favor, especially expressed at a place like the Pentagon. As strong as our military may be, we ultimately need your protection and we finally depend on you for safety and care. We come before you because without you we fail. In Jesus…”  

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