Big Brother Episode Recap, Sunday, August 14, 2011

What is Daniele looking at?

Tonight begins with the competition for the Head of Household, hosted by Kalia. It’s a counting game of various objects, with the worst count getting eliminated. After a few rounds, the power couples (Brendon & Rachel and Jeff & Jordan) are out. Remaining are Dani and the newbies Adam, Shelly and Porsche.

When comes down to counting baseballs, Adam from Hoboken says “I have this one in my glove.” Shelly forgets to multiply by two gloves and gets eliminated. Adam, allied with the vets, is the next out in the count of rivets on a propeller. Danielle and Porsche remain and Daniele comes the closest to counting gold coins in a chest. Daniele is the new Head of Household!

Daniele says she’s going to take the House by storm. Kalia and Porsche are very pleased and the three of them do rocking Snoopy dances in the Daniele’s HoH room. The power couples are discouraged, with Rachelle asking, “How did that happen?” Brendon asks Rachel, “Does that mean we’re on the block again?” (Don’t forget, he’s been out of the House awhile.) Rachel tells him that Daniele will deal with them and might be open to the idea of putting Shelly on the block.

Daniele says she wants “these people scared to death of me, as they well should be. That’s it.” Daniele is talking with Kalia and she tells her that she wants to “make Shelly *bleep* in her pants. I don’t care.” Apparently, Daniele and the other two have had it with Shelly’s two-timing and playing the opposite sides of the House against each other. Outside, Shelly “interviews” Jordan by asking a number of either/or questions and other open ended questions. Jeff thinks it’s good practice, but he admits that “Jordan may not have the best interview skills, but what the heck, I’d hire her because she’s cute.” Hmm, good luck getting a job as a manager after this, Jeff.

Meanwhile Adam meets up with Daniele and their already strained relationship doesn’t thaw. Adam realizes he’s not in Daniele’s good graces and doesn’t offer anything substantive to change that. Shelly next meets with Daniele, telling Daniele, “You sound really frustrated. Are you frustrated with me?” Shelly is looking frazzled and a bit angry. In spite of Shelly trying to smooth things over, Daniele and Kalia are dubious about her intent. Shelly asks Daniele to talk with her by herself, so Kalia leaves. Shelly “apologizes from the bottom of my heart” for the past mix-ups, but Daniele isn’t buying it.

Kalia meets up with Porsche and they’re trading notes about Shelly’s lying. Outside, Shelly talks with (rather, talks at) Kalia and Porsche, but Porsche calls her out by telling her that Rachel said that Rachel & Brendon agreed to a deal to take Shelly into the final three. In short, Shelly’s been caught.

Next, Rachel and Brendon meet with Daniele. They’re working out a truce that nobody else has to know about, just between the three of them, while they continue the game like they’re on opposite sides of the House. Brendon asks Daniele if she can trust them, but Daniele admits “not 100%”. Rachel tells Daniele they can get rid of Shelly and put Adam up as a pawn, which Daniele seems to take seriously (and does, as we soon find out). They have a provisional deal, while Daniele considers it, calling it a major game move, but possibly a stupid game move. Why Daniele is listening to Brendon and Rachel, the very power couple she needs to break up sooner rather than later, is something of a mystery (and certainly not advisable if her dad Evel’s twitters are anything to go by).

It’s time for Daniele to name her eviction nominations. She is undecided almost up until the time the nominations need to be made. Apparently, she makes a last minute decision. Considering what might happen if she makes the wrong move with the nominations, Daniele admits that “if I end up walking out the door, I have nobody to blame but myself.” The nomination ceremony begins and the first House key goes to Kalia, then Porsche, Jeff and Jordan. The surprise comes when the next key goes to… Rachel! Jeff follows, leaving Shelly and Adam on the block!

Both Adam and Shelly smile wistfully. In private Diary Room, Shelly is in tears while Adam says he’s got to win this Veto competition!

Who will win the Veto competition and will it be used to save or Adam or Shelly from eviction? Stay tuned!

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