Shelly endures 24 hours of solitary confinement in exchange for a call home. Will she survive eviction?

With Shelly and Brendon on the block, Adam saving himself with the Power of Veto, Kalia and Porsche serving as Daniele’s minions, we’re left with Rachel and the other power couple of Jeff and Jordan as the House Guests this week. The big question tonight is who will be evicted, Shelly or Brendon? While Shelly has managed to antagonize both standing alliances, the power couple alliance of Brandon & Rachel and Jeff & Jordan seems to be crumbling and Brandon is in serious danger of eviction without a single ally except his partner Rachel.

Julie begins the show with “Daniele is back in power, Brendon is back on the block and Shelly is back against the wall.” It needs to be said: Welcome back! We get a quick summary of events to date, with emphasis on Daniele saying “I need Brendon to go home this week.” Then we’re shown Shelly and Rachel’s “Battle of Who’s Lying” that eventually leads to the irreparable split of the power couples’ alliance. The Chenbot gives her cold, calculated in-depth logical analysis of the game up to this point. Meanwhile some of the House guests quietly whisper or talk in the midst of Julie’s monologue and later give their individual takes in the Diary Room.

Rachel is crying like her pet goldfish just died and Jeff tries to reassure her. Suddenly, she goes “What do we do about Jeff and Jordan?” Hmmm… crying one second, then suddenly scheming the next second. Scary. Jeff is hoping to get Jeff and Jordan’s vote and plans to try to secure the fourth vote. Adam is his only hope with Porsche and Kalia already being Daniele’s serfs. Jeff talks with Adam outside, with Rachel onlooking. Brendon gives Adam the line that guys are dropping like flies, the ladies are winning everything, so vote to keep a guy in, vote a gal out. Will Adam buy this sexist logic?

Meanwhile, Rachel meets Porsche. Although Porsche doesn’t like Shelly, she’s not fond of either Brendon or Rachel. Porsche is “not 100%” and if body language is anything to go by, it’s closer to 0% that she would vote to keep Brendon in the game. Porsche says “smile” and Rachel gives a smile that looks more like a wicked grimace.

It’s nighttime and Jeff & Jordan are hanging out with the mysterious Smoking Woman from X-Files, Shelly. It seems like she’s got a ciggie in her hand every moment she’s outside. Shelly tells Jeff and Jordan that she doesn’t like Rachel or trust her. Soon after, Daniele meets with Jeff and Jordan to swing a deal. She admits she earlier tried to backdoor them, but now she’s sorry she did that and “I was wrong”. Daniele in Diary room says that she is telling them everything they want to hear. Jordan wants the take out the ones “coasting”. Jeff in Diary room admits dealing with Daniele is like making a “deal with the devil.”

Jeff on the exercise machine and Rachel try to put pressure on Jordan. Jordan doesn’t want to shake up the house by forcing a tie vote and she walks back into the house. Jeff then comes out and talks with them. Jeff tells them that Brendon is toast, whether they vote for him or not, and it’s not to his and Jordan’s advantage to do so. Rachel just stares at Jeff and he gets fed up with it and tells her off. Jeff and Rachel argue as Brendon just quietly lets them go at it while he exercises on the nearby machine like a hamster in a wheel.

Julie says hello to all the house guests. She starts with Shelly, who is all smiles now recalling her daughter’s “Hi, mama.” Angel-on-earth Jordan says she doesn’t mind wearing the Humilitard and is glad she traded Shelly the call. Julie asks Brendon why America voted him in instead of Dominic and he fails to tell us how stupid America was to do that. Rachel says she’s going hold up. Julie reminds us and the house guests that the next person evicted will become a Jury member.

Now we’re introduced to Shelly’s family, who live in Baton Rouge. Her hubby says Shelly is the life of the party. Her daughter, Josie, is a sweet kid, a cheerleader with a lot of friends. They all watch her mom on TV. She think her mom should stop lying. Sometimes Josie closes her eyes while watching the show. She talks Big Brother strategy, how her mom should improve her relationships. Hah, one day we may see this kid in Big Brother! Best part of the show. We need more of this.

Julie interviews Daniele for a while and talk game strategy. In hindsight, she would have rather voted Rachel out. Adam is too unreliable to be an ally. Obviously, she sees Brendon the most dangerous threat. She would have tried to deal with him as a Plan B if he stayed earlier. The original deal with Rachel and Brendon didn’t say anything about Veto replacement, so her conscience is clear about whether she kept her part of the original truce deal.

Now for the pre-vote. Shelly’s first. “Alright kids, I have some bit of wisdom to pass on because I’m old age. This was a crazy week in the house.” She appreciates all the nice things everybody has done for her and she’d like to stay in the house and keep playing with them. Brendon does a UCLA rah-rah, something about his PhD. He reminds everyone he’s going to be a juror if he’s voted out.

Now the votes… Rachel, “unlike the other cowards in the house”, votes to evict Shelly. Kalia votes to evict Jeff {anti-climactic commercial break} and the rest of the dominoes fall. Brandon is out 5-1. It’s like U.S. foreign policy. America sends someone in and the people there kick them right back out.

Julie asks Brendon about the truce deal with Daniele. He says “maybe, maybe” Yeah, right. Brendon makes the bold prediction that Rachel will win HoH. Yeah, right, again. Daniele speaks nice to Brendon, but Kalia kisses him off by saying she didn’t understand why America voted him in, Jeff says he will look after Rachel but wish he had “an instruction manual” and Rachel says she’s “gonna kick butt” and stay in the game. Final thoughts from Brendon? “It sucks to get evicted, it sucks to get evicted twice.” Good, there won’t be a third time.

Now it’s time for the Head of Household competition, called “All Washed Up”. The competitors must take little scoops of soap across a slippery, soapy tarp to a bowl. The bowl has a lid with a small hole on top and inside the bowl is a ping pong ball. After filling the bowl, the ping pong ball will rise up to the top. The first one to do this wins the competition.

They start and then more soap and suds comes down from above to make the tarp even more slippery. And the show leaves us with the competition just starting.

In a new twist, Julie tells us that Thursday next week is Double Eviction episode!

Who will win the Head of Household competition and rule the House? Stay tuned!

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