You don’t have the job yet! Talk about arrogant and presumptuous! <a href=" hasn’t even officially gotten the nomination yet:

But Barack Obama’s crowd has decided not to wait for any of the formalities like a presidential election, an inauguration or even a nomination, which he still hasn’t actually officially won yet. Though even Hillary Clinton admits to the math now.

I agree with McCain’s spokesman that Obama’s repackaging of the presidential seal is ridiculous and revealing. I think we learn a lot about Obama’s arrogance and his insecurity (what better way to add gravitas to such a lightweight than to give him the accouterments of the job):

Snarked John McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds, “I think we can all agree that we need presidential candidates that are serious enough not to play make-believe on the campaign trail.”
“It’s laughable, ridiculous, preposterous and revealing all at the same time,” Bounds said.

Not to mention that it’s probably illegal. So, do you think he gets the fine or jail time? Yeah, that will happen.
Yet another rookie mistake. I was debating tagging this as a gaffe but the fact that it’s probably illegal certainly qualifies.

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