Some of you may recall that a week ago, the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue took umbrage at my daring to suggest that
the canon law doctrine of Scandal be jettisoned. It wasn’t that he
disagreed with what I had to say about the doctrine but that it was the
likes of me who said it.

Silk is not a Catholic–he is a Jew. Imagine a Catholic professor telling
observant Jews that they need to change one or more of their doctrines.
If such a character could be found, I would be the first to tell him to
mind his own business.

I take it that his point was
that no one should presume to tell those of other faiths what their
doctrines should be. Imagine my surprise, then, when I discovered
Professor Donohue delivering himself of the following just three days later:

Not until Muslims renounce the sharia–the totalitarian legal system
that justifies oppression–will Christians be safe in Muslim-run nations.

That kind of sounds like the good doctor is not
minding his own business. But of course, he regards it as very much his
business that sharia, as he understands it, has harmful societal
effects. And I agree. If you judge someone else’s religious doctrine to
affect society adversely, you are entitled to argue for its, ah,

There, I’m glad we’ve got that settled.

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