Daily Bell
by Staff Report

This is an interesting video by Matthew Rothschild, the editor of The Progressive magazine, which is, according to its own account, one of the leading voices for peace and social justice in the US. The magazine has apparently been in existence since 1909.

Matthew Rothschild, Editor of The Progressive Magazine, a far left publication

To view the video, you must click here: http://www.thedailybell.com/3256/VIDEO-Parallels-Between-Early-20th-Century-and-Now-Are-Scary

Rothschild tells us bluntly that the Occupy Wall Street movement is the beginning of a new Progressive era. We think we believe him. In fact, in investigating the video, we discovered that the Progressive Movement and Occupy Wall Street seem to have the same goals! Here is a brief description, according to the online Cultural Dictionary:

Progressive movement … A movement for reform that occurred roughly between 1900 and 1920. Progressives typically held that irresponsible actions by the rich were corrupting both public and private life. They called for measures such as trust busting, the regulation of railroads, provisions for the people to vote on laws themselves through referendum, the election of the Senate by the people rather than by state legislatures, and a graduated income tax (one in which higher tax rates are applied to higher incomes). The Progressives were able to get much of their program passed into law. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were associated with the movement.

This is what Occupy Wall Street is calling for today. Almost word-for-word. The OWS movement, which claims it has no goals, has them “at the top,” anyway – as Rothschild understands. The two movements look like this:

Progressive Movement …………………Occupy Wall Street
Trust Busting…………………………………….Breaking Up Big Banks and Big Corporations
Wall Street regulation ………,……………….Re-regulating Wall Street
Voting through referendum ………………..Direct Democracy
Graduated Income Tax ………………………Making the Rich Pay their “Fair Share”

Coincidence? Or what we have come to call “directed history?” (History stage-managed by the Anglosphere elites.)

In fact, as we have pointed out many times, we’ve come to believe in it reluctantly … the idea that an Anglosphere power elite is first manipulating and then writing history. It is doing so in order to create world government. The conspiracy will achieve world government by creating chaos and then order.

The historical patterns seem to have a good deal of parallelism, especially in the US (still the engine of the world). So … are we being manipulated, folks? Take a look at this …

Early 20th Century ………………………………Early 21st Century
Central Bank Inflation (Roaring 20s)…………….Central Bank Inflation (Housing Bubble)
Depression & Progressive Movement……………Depression & Youth Movements Around the World
Occupy Washington DC (WW 1 Veterans)……….Occupy Wall Street by Disaffected Youth
Reichstag Fire …………………………………………..9/11
Second World War……………………………………..War on Terror Gradually Escalates to “World War”
FDR-Like Figure to Provide Leadership………….Obama, who Models Himself on FDR

The Depression allowed the Anglosphere elites to do several things. First, people were so cowed and wiped out by the Depression (in England, America and Germany) that they were easily manipulated – and thus a world war was easy to create.

At the end of the Second World War, the elites built the beginning of what we call the New World Order: the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, etc. People were so “militarized” by the big war that they didn’t object.

Now at the beginning of the 21st century, the trap is closing. The 20th century provided the foundation for world government (run by the elites, of course). The 21st century may see the rest built. If the Anglosphere has its way, it would seem there will be no need to do much more in the 22nd century. (Or maybe then we’ll see the implementation of population reduction.)

Yes … we can see the pieces snapping together like a puzzle. But will it work? It did in the 20th century. But today, ah … there is what we call the Internet Reformation. This is something the elites didn’t count on.

Is it making a difference? You’re reading this article, aren’t you?

Read More: http://www.thedailybell.com/3256/VIDEO-Parallels-Between-Early-20th-Century-and-Now-Are-Scary


Read other Watchwoman Posts about the Occupy Protest at:

Parallels Between Early 20th Century and Present Are Scary

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MUST READ! Obama’s Communist Connections Revisited

posted by dcalvin | 9:11pm Saturday July 23, 2011

Read more: http://blog.beliefnet.com/watchwomanonthewall/2011/07/must-read-obamas-communist-connections-revisited.html

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