drtandkale.jpgAdiel Tel-Oren, MD, DC, CCN, (pictured above — I didn’t know it would be this big…) may be the most brilliant teacher I’ve yet to hear in the raw food movement, and yet he’s so under the radar. He’s Israeli, living in Minneapolis where he owns the Ecopolitan, a fabulous raw, organic restaurant and center where he gives lectures. He also helps private clients work with their history and genetics to create optimum health. I have several of his CDs and DVDs and this man is a treasure trove of information on the science behind raw food, veganism, and related topics such as the problems with EMF radiation. To find out more about him and order the CDs for yourself, contact the Ecopolitan. For the moment, I’ll just pass along what he told a group of yoga students (not raw-fooders) to eat every day:

A really big salad — lots of greens, lots of colors, w/some nuts/seeds or avocado, with some lemon juice/olive oil if you want

A cup or more of dark, leafy greens in addition to the salad — could be in a smoothie, marinated, whatever

A serving of cabbage-family vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, bok-choy, etc.)

A large fruit salad

4 or 5 additional fruit servings

At least 3 Tbls. nuts or seeds, ideally soaked (or at least eaten with watery greens or fruits to dilute them so they’ll digest more easily)

A serving of legumes or grains, ideally sprouted (i.e., lentil sprouts, pea sprouts, sprouted buckwheat crackers) or cooked in water if someone isn’t 100% raw

“After that,” he said, “eat whatever you want.”

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