Listen for the wail of the MSM as they lament such a partisan and unfair attack, but Obama only has himself to blame for it because he opened the door by linking McCain to Limbaugh and (taking Limbaugh out of context) and now McCain is ready to do more guilt by association ads:

Don’t be shocked if you see the McCain campaign pull the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright out of mothballs in new attacks against one-time parishioner, Barack Obama.McCain advisers say that they see “attack by association” as fair game now, arguing that Obama’s campaign has been using that technique to go after McCain. In particular, the Obama campaign has hammered McCain on the stump and in TV ads on the number of one-time lobbyists working for his campaign. (The McCain campaign is also angry about a Spanish-language TV ad that ties McCain to Rush Limbaugh on immigration, without ever saying that McCain took on Limbaugh and others to fight for comprehensive immigration reform.)”They played it one way, we played it another way,” said one of McCain’s top advisers, Mark Salter. “Now we’re both going to play it the same way.”McCain began that effort this week by linking Obama to Democrats Jim Johnson and Franklin Raines, former executives at Fannie Mae.

(via)You wanted it, you got, Obama. I hope you like the whirlwind you reaped. Maybe they should release an ad about Obama’s association with the unrepentant terrorist, William Ayers. He can’t even complain about the ads because he said that his association with Wright was “a legitimate political issue.”If you missed Obama’s ad and speak Spanish, here you go:For those of you who haven’t followed the messiah’s demand that we all learn Spanish, here’s the translation.BTW, pretty funny picture of Bush’s mouth hanging open at the end of the ad. I guess they couldn’t find one of McCain.And here is the video of the comment by Limbaugh that Obama took out of context, judge for yourself whether Obama’s a liar. Proving yet again how right he was when he said that he wins the contest of “promulgating negative ads.”

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